March 2nd, 2000

The Gamma Sigma chapter of Phi Sigma Pi was called to order at 6:04 PM on Thursday, March 2, 2000, by Jeremy Heslin.

-is passing around a thank you card for Dr. Simones.
-grade checks are still in the works.
-our chapter must send at least one delegate to Grand Chapter this July in Lancaster, PA.
-if you want to prepare an amendment to the National Constitution, submit your proposal to Jeremy no later than 120 days before Grand Chapter.

-committee heads need to start attending Exec Board meetings.
-will be contacting you if you are falling short of committee attendance requirements.

-will have a sheet showing attendance at rush events at next week's meeting.
-Sarah Smith had a total of 45 points through January and February and the first winner of the positive reinforcement award.

-not present.

-no report:

Andrea Flehmer
-St. Patrick's Day Crafts service event Saturday, March 4, from 5 to 7 PM in the normal meeting room, PACB 1.
-Purple & Gold party Sunday, March 5, from 7 to 9 PM at Andrea Flehmer's apartment; contact her for directions.
-let her know if your rush buddy dropped out after Meet the Brothers.
-if your rush buddy drops out between now and voting on Monday, March 6, let her know so that we will not consider for pinning those rushees who have quit.
-sending around a sign-up sheet for food at the Purple & Gold party.
-voting is Monday, March 6, at 9:30 PM in Glass #108. Voting is being held here so that we can project pictures of the rushees onto the screen, like the slideshow at Info Night.
-pinning is Thursday, March 9 at 8 PM in PACB 1.
-actives will receive bids for their rush buddies Monday evening and deliver them Tuesday.
-let your rush buddy know that we will be going to McAlister's after pinning Thursday night.

-passing around a big brother sign-up sheet.
-if you have any good ideas for initiate class events (signature parties, etc.) let him know.

-passing around a sign-up sheet for Founders' Day t-shirts; cost will be $10 to $12.
-Founders' Day will be held on April 8 from 6 PM to 1 AM at the Ramada Inn on North Glenstone; cost is $20 per person.
-if you can house brothers from other chapters over Founders' Day weekend, let her know.
-if you have any song requests for the Founders' Day dance, contact her.
-the History Committee will meet Monday, March 6, at Sarah Smith's house at 8 PM.

-no report.

Committee Reports
Social (Alicia)
-no report.

-not present.

Awards & Scholarships (Karen for Amy)
-possible scholarship event next week;
David will present more details later.

Intramurals (Brian)
-we will be participating only in ultimate frisbee this semester; is signing up this week.

Interchapter Relations (Sarah Smith)
-not present.

Fundraising (Amelia for Tanya)
-if you have any suggestions for a location for the spaghetti dinner in April, let her know.
-suckers (approximately 550 total) will be in next week; each brother needs to sell at least 10. If all of them are sold, we will make $144 and we will order another batch to sell.

SGA (Ken)
-still has SMSU Park-N-Ride petition.

Old Business
-motion: to untable discussion of the motion to add Article 6, Section 5 to the attendance policy.
Passes. Motion voted on and accepted 32-1-3.

New Business
-David: knows a credit card/debt consultant who will speak to us in the future;will be a scholarship event.

-Andrea Flehmer: please bring scissors to St. Patrick's Day Craft event.
-Ken: still has scarves available at $6 per scarf.
-Angela: still has composites for those who have not picked up theirs yet.

-motion: to reconsider new business. Passes.
-motion: to hold credit card/debt scholarship event Tuesday, March 7, at 6 PM location TBA.
Motion rescinded.

-Jeremy: has SMS Spring Leadership Conference ($5 per person) registration forms; see him for more details. A Student Activities Council position will be available next semester; contact him if you're interested.
-Cullun: Beta chapter's formal dance and induction ceremony are March 18; see him if you're interested in going.

Meeting adjourned 6:28 PM.